Olympos is a village built in a deep canyon close to a pebble beach which fronts the ruins of an Roman town dating to the 2nd century CE. This place is full of backpackers from all over the world, though it seems every other person you meet is an Ozzie! I've tried to capture the beach and the ruins, and though you may not see them here there are actually a lot of visitors. People are really cool though, this is not your normal big-spending tourist spot.
I will try to write more later, but I hope you find the pictures interesting.
Photos taken from a ruined Byzantine castle on the cliff, dating to the middle ages.
Roman theatre, now in disrepair
Despite the beautiful scenery, sometimes I feel very alone way over here in a new country. I have my moments of feeling really scared about the basics- where to go, where to stay, what to eat, how to buy new soap, which bus to take, how much is a good price, and the list goes on. One night I can feel very much a part of a newfound group of friends.... and the next afternoon they've gone and suddenly I remember where I am and that I've never done anything like this before and think I must be totally crazy for doing this to myself and feel so totally alone. But then, I just say "Ok, lets stick it out a little longer and maybe I'll feel better"... just be with the feeling. I try to remember that I am never really alone; I carry many friends inside all the time, and many carry me also... and there is peace in that knowing. And you know, after awhile something happens, I meet someone new, a stranger does a favor, someone smiles in my direction... and I begin to feel better. Its the little things that are the miracles: I sit down with another lone traveller, and he happens to be from Portland (the only one in the region, by my estimate!). A group invites me to join them for a meal. I am offered a ride so I dont have to walk. A new friend explains backgammon. A shopkeeper takes time to chat. There are many wonderful people out there, and for their grace I am forever grateful.
There is so much history here, I am floored by what you have been able to discover. The name Olympos embodies the begining of civilization and culture. The area is perfect for Trekking, Mountain biking, Rock climbing, kayaking. Lucky you!
Keep on trekkkkin'!
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