I'm not supposed to tell you what a great place Madison is. I shouldn't say that it's a walkable, clean, friendly college town nestled between two beautiful lakes. Or mention the progressive politics, the amazing microbrews, the cheese, or the fact that bike paths seem to connect the whole town... Nope, why would anyone want to come here? It freezes up for like 10 months, routinely gets past 30 below, and some folks have to ice-skate their way across the lakes to get to work. Who could put up with all that?! I braved the warmer weather, anyways, and here are a few shots I snapped along the way:
A vertical shot from underneath the capitol dome
State Street is the main avenue connecting the capitol to the University.
Sailboats on lake Mendota, at the University docks
I mean, it IS wisconsin...
Apparently I timed my trip just right: "Bratfest 2009" was underway throughout the weekend. Part country fair, part carnival, and 100% bratwurst celebration festival, this Madison tradition was a new one for me! Above, notice the tractor-trailer-turned-bbq-grill... this little wonder can supposedly cook something like 4,000 brats at a time. Apparently, 99.5 of 'em are consumed each minute during the festival. ...Yikes?
Jason, carnivore, consuming a double-brat sandwich in front of his disapproving (and very vegetarian) girlfriend, Jen.
J and J stylin' in front of the famous wienermobile
A little spin on the tiltawhirl... never to old, never too old...
Apparently the semi truck-size bbq wasn't enough, so Madison enrolled dozens of volunteers to cook more bratwursts on this gigantic grill stage. They claim a world record of nearly 200,000 brats consumed over 4 days... making Madison the brat capitol of the world.
Later that weekend I met some distant relatives who also happened to live in Madison. An impromptu family reunion is always a nice surprise
Jason, another Americorps teammate, prepares to order
Moments later, this little bird attacked our party, pecking Jason's head while hovering mid-air. It was like a Hitchcock film but unfortunately I couldn't get the camera out in time to capture the raid.