Nearly a week in your midst and I still cannot wrap my mind around the behemoth city that is you. You scare me and amaze me; I'm glad I don't have to stay but somehow I'm sure I'll be back. Maybe one day we can meet eye to eye but for now I'll take my leave and swim in a smaller pond.
-Best Regards
Catchin' up on a few winks... getting better at sleeping on the train
And here we are... the Jungle! Dead center on Manhattan Island, no joke. Who'd have guessed Central Park could look like this??
Earlier I'd seen an egret flying over the city; later that day I found her again, fishing
New York's HI (hostelling international) hostel - largest in the US. Busy place to call home for 6 days!
Teamed up with a motley crew of internationals (ozzie, kiwi, french) to catch a Yankees game. They lost to the Rangers but still a good time!
looking toward the south end of Manhattan while on the ferry to Liberty Island
Woohooo!!! Thank you France! We like it. love, america

awww.... copycat
the coast guard lets ya know they don't play around over here
On to Ellis Island - now a large (and amazing) museum documenting the rich history of American immigration
Tina and Chris, new friends from Germany and New Zealand, ridin' the Metro after our trip to Ellis and the Statue of Liberty
We sort of had to stop for cheesecake... It is NY and I had a tip on the "best" place in town. We weren't disappointed (i think it took 3 days to finish off all the leftovers)
Times Square!
Deck chairs on the pedestrian mall?! Ingenious!
A somber visit to ground zero; the rainy day seemed fitting.

Also a gloomy visit to wall street and the ny stock exchange. The place appears more like a military installation than an economic center, what with all the gates, fences, and security.
A very wet walk across the Brooklyn Bridge... woo!
The financial district as seen from the bridge
Midtown in the fog. Also taken from the bridge. More big city everywhere I look.
Dude, I don't think you're supposed to take pictures in the MOMA...
That was my thought as well. I asked the security guard in the exhibit if it was OK and he said yes. If you plan to use the images for commercial purposes then it's a different story. Thanks for your concern!
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